My Life Now

What have I been up to lately?

updated: 26 July 2022

Finished ~1 year at Oracle 😇

  • Time flies, really!! Feels like yesterday when I joined Oracle as a rookie.
  • Well, I am still learning, my goal is far ahead but I am moving towards it day by day.
  • This one year marks a huge if not the most important milestone in my life and career. It has been a great journey so far.

Started Reading, “Yuvakon Ke Prati” by Swami Vivekananda

  • A truly madly inspiring book by a true Hindu monk. What an inspiration!
  • His teachings are still valid after more than 100 years.
  • Exploring a new perspective of seeing the society around me every day.
  • What a man Swami Ji!

Other Updates

Joined as a mentor at Scalar Academy

  • Was approached by their side for a course that I could have been interested in :wink: I asked if I could help students as a mentor instead.
  • Still to get any session scheduled with any mentee.

What am I reading?

What am I watching?

You can find a complete list of all my favourite Novels and Anime in About section.